Home Sushi
10:47 AM
It kind of hangs on the rice. I've been using basic Japanese sticky rice for sushi lately, but I usually use short grain brown rice. To one cup of rice you need to add 1/2 tsp of sugar and a splash of rice-wine vinegar. I sometimes add a shake or two of seaweed powder (the package is in Japanese, I have no idea what it is...)
Mr. Muffin Puff cake gets a mix of vegetables in his, avocado, blanched green beans, peppers, pea shoots (if I can find them), and cucumber with sesame seeds.
Mr. Dumpling likes fish and rice only. I usually buy a 4oz tuna steak and a 4oz salmon steak, slice these very carefully and roll them in the rice with a sprinkling of toasted sesame seeds.
I like mixed and usually make a salmon avocado and a tuna cucumber roll for myself.
Baby Chuck is anti-sushi, he eats mac & cheese or a penut butter and jelly if we are having sushi and loudly complains about how gross he thinks it is.